Molecular Imaging Guided Cancer Management for European Citizens
Thursday 22 March 2018
The Solvay Library, Brussels
Novel cancer therapies are revolutionising patient management and offer improved outcomes, quality of life and hope for those affected by cancer and those around them. However, such therapies tend to be very expensive, and while effective for patients with specific genetic profiles of the disease, they have no effect on others with different genotypes.
This fact compromises their benefits versus mainstream approaches at population level, while imposing severe strains to health systems. Moreover, it increases the investment risk for the development of further novel treatment developments.
Invited speakers:
• Prof Andreas Buck, University Clinic of Würzburg, Germany
• Dr. Johannes Czernin, M.D. Department of Nuclear Medicine, UCLA, USA
• Prof Einat Even-Sapir Weizer, MD, PhD., Head, The Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel
• Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marcus Hacker, M.D., Director, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Medical University Vienna, Austria
• Dr James Williams, CEO at Siemens Healthineers Molecular Imaging, Knoxville, USA
Panel discussion together with representatives from the EANM
• Adam Smith D.Phil., Chief Scientific Officer, Nobel Media AB
• Antonis Kalemis, PhD, MBA,Vice-President AIPES
• Download the complete programme
• Press release
During the General Assembly Meeting of 24 May in Brussels, AIPES welcomed the European Parliament representatives for Committees of Health and Industry. The message from EP Aldo Patriciello is an important support for our discipline and our industry.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Although nuclear medicine and molecular imaging are technologies with applications that remained underused for a long time, since the beginning of this century, they faced major changes as a consequence of the tremendous progresses and discoveries made in both the equipment and drug areas.
This evolution ran even faster in the past few years offering an important contribution in improving health and quality of life of European citizens.
As the progress in terms of research is much quicker than expected and imaging agents are widely used in oncology, cardiology and neurology, Nuclear Medicine at all levels needs to be encouraged further in Europe.
European manufacturers lead the diagnostic imaging device market and we are proud of their daily efforts in making technologies growing day by day.
This is the reason why in the name of the EU committees for Health and Industry, I would like to welcome the AIPES’ initiative to bring to the knowledge of the EU decision makers the importance of this technology in the development of new treatments for cancer.
To this regard, after the success of the symposium organised under the high patronage of the European Parliament last March in Solvay Library, I would like to offer our full availability for hosting next year symposium directly in the European Parliament to make your voice speak louder to the policy makers.
I express on behalf of our Committees all my wishes for the success of your meeting and looking forward to see you next year in the Parliament.